USMR Parcel 7 and Tufts Point

The Borough of Carteret plans to rehabilitate the southern shoreline and add a walkway for recreational use at Waterfront Park.
AKRF is providing engineering services in support of remedial action for a site on the Arthur Kill to facilitate improvements to the park and shoreline stabilization and ecological restoration at Tufts Point that will transform an industrial parcel into a biodiversity-rich and aesthetically valuable site.
The restoration seeks to improve water quality and biodiversity at the site by removing and capping contaminated soil and slag deposits, stabilizing the shoreline, and strategically planting the wetlands area with non-invasive species.
A Stormwater Management Design and Report was prepared for pre-development and post-development conditions, and AKRF is providing engineering support for the NJDEP permitting process and will lead the municipal permitting effort with the Borough of Carteret.