Port Chester United Hospital Redevelopment

The 15.5-acre site of the former United Hospital in Port Chester, which has sat vacant for nearly two decades, was approved for redevelopment in 2022.
AKRF provided SEQRA environmental review, municipal planning, and traffic and civil engineering services to the Village of Port Chester, and we also served as the applicant’s Brownfield Cleanup Program consultant under a separate contract.
The approved plan includes 775 multifamily units; an Independent Living/Assisted Living building with 90 independent-living apartments and 110 assisted- and memory-care units; a 120-key hotel; 18,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space; and significant space for amenities.
The project also includes all new infrastructure within the site and a new Village-owned street as part of the traffic mitigation program.
Featured Team Members

Peter Feroe, AICP
Vice President, Municipal and Land Planning

Marc Godick, LEP
Senior Vice President, Site Assessment and Remediation

Michael Beattie, PE, PTOE
Senior Vice President, Traffic and Transportation

Justin Seeney, PE, CFM
Vice President, Civil Engineering

John Neill
Senior Vice President, Economics and Real Estate