In 2022, Empire State Development approved the General Project Plan for the Pennsylvania Station Area Civic and Land Use Improvement Project.

AKRF led preparation of the SEQRA Environmental Impact Statement for the project, which calls for 18 million square feet of commercial space surrounding Penn Station, up to 1,800 apartments, and public realm improvements at eight development sites around the station. The project would also introduce transit improvements at each development site in connection with new building construction.

The objective is to create a modern, transit-oriented mixed-use district in the area surrounding the existing Penn Station site and support the reconstruction and potential expansion of Penn Station.

During the environmental review, AKRF worked closely with the involved agencies to conduct virtual public meetings and develop new approaches to EIS data collection to maintain the project’s schedule during the COVID-19 pandemic.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled her vision for the Penn Station plan in November 2021.

Addressing the City’s Climate and Sustainability Goals

AKRF led the greenhouse gas emissions analysis for the project and assessed its consistency with New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act as well as New York City sustainability regulations.