New York City Borough-Based Jail System

In 2019, the New York City Council approved the plan to close and replace Rikers Island with four new borough-based jails.
Each of the facilities will provide over 1,000 beds, support space for correctional programming and therapeutic services, community space, and parking. The jails will also foster connections between those who are detained and their families and communities.
The siting of each facility necessitated a number of discretionary action approvals subject to the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure, for which AKRF led preparation of the complex CEQR Environmental Impact Statement and subsequent technical memoranda. We worked closely with Perkins Eastman as the project’s architect.
The $15.6 billion project is intended to create a modern, humane, and safe justice system for New York City. Design-build contracts for the $3.9 billion Queens facility and $2.9 billion Bronx facility were awarded in 2024.
Project Information
Featured Team Members

Linh Do
Senior Vice President, Environmental and Land Use Planning

Connor Lacefield
Vice President, Environmental and Land Use Planning

Robert White, AICP, PP
Senior Vice President, Environmental and Land Use Planning

Henry Kearney, PE
Senior Vice President, Air Quality

Kenny Mui, LEED AP
Vice President, Construction Analysis