Living Breakwaters

Construction was completed in 2024 on the acclaimed Living Breakwaters resiliency project in New York City.
Widespread destruction in the wake of Superstorm Sandy brought newfound focus on mitigating sea level rise and storm surge along the southern shoreline of Staten Island. AKRF provided environmental review and permitting for two HUD-funded coastal and social resiliency enhancements within a single project site: Living Breakwaters and the Tottenville Shoreline Protection Project.
We developed sampling protocols for water quality, fish and benthic, sediment contaminants and clam tissue, and horseshoe crab egg surveys with state and federal agencies. We also completed consultations with federal agencies under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and developed mitigation alternatives.
Image Credit: SCAPE and Ty Cole
Industry Honors
2023 OBEL Award for Adaptation – SCAPE
Featured Team Members

Sandy Collins
Senior Vice President, Natural Resources and Permitting

George Penesis, PE, AICP
Senior Vice President, Environmental Impact Assessment

Kenny Mui, LEED AP
Vice President, Construction Analysis

Justin Krebs, PhD
Senior Vice President, Natural Resources

Amy Crader, AICP
Vice President, Cultural Resources