AKRF has been instrumental in the revitalization of Governors Island in the heart of New York Harbor.

Governors Island is a 172-acre public resource accessible only by ferry between Lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn waterfront.

In 2021 we completed the Second Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the phased development of Governors Island’s South Island. Our analyses focused on rezoning and redevelopment of the South Island to spur approximately 4 million square feet of mixed-use development and to activate the Island for 24/7 use. This rezoning paved the way for the New York Climate Exchange — a new cam­pus ded­i­cat­ed to research­ing and devel­op­ing inno­v­a­tive cli­mate solu­tions.

AKRF previously prepared the Final GEIS for the creation of the park and public spaces in 2011 and Final Supplemental GEIS for reuse of the historic buildings on the North Island in 2013.

Industry Honors

2022 Environmental Business Journal Achievement Award