Genesee Arch Bridge

The new Genesee Arch Bridge spans the 235-foot-deep Genesee River Gorge in New York’s Letchworth State Park.
Opened in 2017, the bridge expands freight rail capacity throughout the Southern Tier and Fingers Lakes region. Norfolk Southern partnered on the project with the New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council, and the Federal Highway Administration.
Design Honors
2020 National Steel Bridge Alliance Prize Bridge Award – Major Span Merit Award

Environmental services for the replacement of critical transportation infrastructure
AKRF prepared the Environmental Impact Statement for replacement of the prior 135-year-old Portageville Bridge; developed mitigation plans for historic and natural resources; and obtained permits from the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, among other regulatory agencies.
Because of its location in Letchworth State Park—home to numerous threatened and endangered species and a wild and scenic river—minimizing impacts to natural resources was an important component of the environmental review.
AKRF prepared a Habitat Restoration Plan and conducted planting inspections for a two-year period. We coordinated with a landscape contractor on plant substitutions and any plant replacements that were needed.
In addition to preparing the cultural resources analysis for the Environmental Impact Statement, AKRF conducted Section 106 historic and archaeological resources consultation, developed mitigation including for demolition of the National-Register listed Portageville Bridge, negotiated with Section 106 consulting parties including Native American tribes, prepared the Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement, and prepared the project’s historic resources Construction Protection Plan.
We also provided construction State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System support services and developed the erosion and sediment control plan and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the project.
Featured Team Members

Julie Cowing, AICP
Senior Vice President, Environmental and Transportation Planning

Christopher Calvert, AICP
Senior Vice President, Environmental and Transportation Planning

Sandy Collins
Senior Vice President, Natural Resources and Permitting

Claudia Cooney
Senior Vice President, Cultural Resources

Justin Seeney, PE, CFM
Vice President, Civil Engineering