Delaware Aqueduct Rondout-West Branch Tunnel Repair Program

Essential repairs are underway on the system that supplies nearly half of New York City's drinking water supply.
To address leaks in a portion of the aqueduct that connects the Rondout Reservoir in Ulster County to the West Branch Reservoir in Putnam County, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection decided to build a three-mile bypass tunnel while inspecting and rehabilitating the remainder of the aqueduct.
AKRF led environmental review and permitting efforts for the project in close coordination with the Mott MacDonald engineering team. Our preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for the first phase of the program and the related federal, state, and local permits and approvals proceeded simultaneously to ensure the program remained on schedule.
Construction of the bypass tunnel involves multiple geographic and jurisdictional challenges; complex project phasing; extensive permit and approval requirements; and detailed analyses of traffic, air quality, noise, visual impacts, historic resources, and natural resources.
Featured Team Members

George Penesis, PE, AICP
Senior Vice President, Environmental Impact Assessment

Jennifer Franco, PE
Senior Vice President, Environmental Impact Assessment

Kenny Mui, LEED AP
Vice President, Construction Analysis

Daniel Abatemarco
Senior Vice President, Acoustics, Noise and Vibration

Sandy Collins
Senior Vice President, Natural Resources and Permitting