The full development plan for Avalon Yonkers will include over 600 apartments and a waterfront esplanade.

The multi-phase redevelopment by AvalonBay Communities of a former industrial property along the Hudson River waterfront in Yonkers is underway with an extensive environmental remediation program being managed by AKRF. Our work for this New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program project began with pre-design investigations and we prepared the Remedial Action Work Plan.

Remediation components include excavation; in-situ soil solidification; pile modifications; slurry wall; anti-seep collar for combined sewer overflow; dewatering including groundwater treatment; bioremediation; sub-slab depressurization; and non-aqueous phase liquids recovery for coal tar and petroleum. Community air monitoring includes dust and particulate monitors and odor and dust suppression.


Design Honors

2020 ACEC New York Engineering Excellence Gold Award