We understand the stability and security of our wastewater infrastructure is an essential element of planning for a resilient and sustainable future.

AKRF regularly works with state agencies and county and municipal governments to improve the systems and facilities that treat, purify, and transmit cleaner water to our communities and maintain the health and quality of streams, rivers, and other water bodies.

Our depth of services allows for an integrated approach to site selection, feasibility and concept planning, regulatory review and permitting, and construction monitoring for compliance.

Talk to AKRF

Jennifer Franco, PE

Senior Vice President, Environmental Impact Assessment

George Penesis, PE, AICP

Senior Vice President, Environmental Impact Assessment

Sandy Collins

Senior Vice President, Natural Resources and Permitting

See All Leadership

Recent Milestones

As part of a consultant team, AKRF worked with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection to prepare a feasibility study, published in 2024, for consolidating wastewater resource recovery facilities on Rikers Island.

The study found a new wastewater resource recovery facility on Rikers Island is a feasible long-term strategy the treatment system in the Upper East River.