Our traffic and transportation leaders address each project’s unique access, safety, and mobility challenges.

AKRF employs a team of 20 licensed engineers, certified traffic operations professionals, certified roadway safety professionals, and other practitioners working on behalf of municipalities, property owners and developers, institutions, and transportation agencies.

Our sophisticated survey methodologies provide precise and detailed transportation network data, and we employ state-of the-art technology such as VISSIM, VISWALK, Synchro/SimTraffic, AutoTURN, and GIS applications for the simulation and analysis of traffic, parking, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian conditions.

Our improvement plans and mitigation strategies address issues concerning vehicular and pedestrian operations, and we coordinate with various agencies on design, permitting, and implementation requirements. AKRF prepares design documents for new roadways, street improvement projects, intersection modifications, and access improvement studies.

Talk to AKRF

Michael Beattie, PE, PTOE

Senior Vice President, Traffic and Transportation

Chi Chan

Vice President, Traffic and Transportation

Marissa Tarallo, PE, PTOE

Vice President, Traffic and Transportation

Matthew T. Carmody, PE, RSP1

Vice President, Traffic and Transportation

See All Leadership

Our Services

Traffic, parking, safety, and multimodal (transit, pedestrian, bicycle) analysis
Complete Streets planning and design
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) planning and design
Adaptive Traffic Control Systems
Traffic engineering
Multimodal simulation modeling
Transportation systems management and operations
Trip generation analysis

Optimizing and troubleshooting traffic signals should no longer be a manual on-site process.

AKRF offers a turnkey cloud-based solution for remotely managing municipal signal infrastructure—supported by expertise in IT, engineering design, and field maintenance.

Read Our ‘Perspective’ on Managing Traffic Signals