We identify, assess, and design protective adaptations to the effects of climate change—namely sea level rise, increased precipitation, and extreme heat—on coastal and inland communities.

Our interdisciplinary approach to climate resilience encapsulates strategies to address inland, riverine, and coastal flooding; designs that enhance community equity; engineering plans that provide resilient pathways; and policy development that support resilience and adaptation.

We also communicate climate science and climate change risk to stakeholders, collaborate with communities on mitigation and adaptation strategies, and share the narrative of a project or program applying for grant funding.

Our innovative designs mitigate heat, create habitat, reduce pollution, and protect communities from multifarious threats. We also support the long-term maintenance and operations of green stormwater infrastructure and other climate resilience solutions.

Talk to AKRF

Margaret Hopkins, PE

Vice President, Climate Resilience and Adaptation

Patrick Parault, PE

Senior Vice President, Climate Resilience and Adaptation

Kevin Flynn, PE, D.WRE

Senior Vice President, Water Resources Engineering

Edward Confair, PLA, PE

Vice President, Landscape and Resiliency

Carolyn Paone, PE, LEED AP

Senior Technical Director, Civil and Water Resources Engineering

See All Leadership

Our Services

Climate exposure, vulnerability and risk assessment
Climate resilience design guidelines and planning
Coastal protection design integration and peer review
Flood mitigation design
Heat vulnerability and urban tree canopy health assessment
Environmental review and permitting
Public outreach and education

Climate change is a public health, environmental, and social justice priority for our communities.

The attention on climate change and funding to mitigate its effects has increased substantially over the last decade as the frequency of extreme weather events and severity of climate impacts only continue to expose our vulnerabilities.

AKRF is proud to be supporting the Battery Park City Authority in Lower Manhattan on both the North/West Resiliency Project and South Resiliency Project—the latter of which achieved Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines Verification from the Waterfront Alliance.


“South Battery Park City Resiliency Achieves 13th WEDG® Verification in the Nation”