AKRF is among the premier acoustics, noise, and vibration consultants working with real estate, media, finance, tech, entertainment, transportation, energy, and other types of clients.

A member of the National Council of Acoustical Consultants, AKRF performs comprehensive sound and vibration testing, architectural design studies, mechanical equipment review, and state-of-the-art computer modeling; provides all stages of engineering from conceptual design through construction documents; and performs construction administration, inspection, verification, and monitoring.

We also prepare acoustical renderings using room acoustics modeling software like Treble and EASE and perform collaborative auralizations in our one-of-a-kind PinDrop suite in Manhattan to help clients experience the sounds inside a building during planning, programming, and design. The PinDrop has been featured in The New York Times, Associated Press, and Fast Company, among other media and industry publications.

Our professionals are well-versed in the entire range of federal, state, and local noise regulations. AKRF has been asked to review and revise various noise codes, including the New York City Noise Control Code. We have also written recommendations for the New York City Department of Buildings code section on sound transmission and mechanical equipment.

Talk to AKRF

Benjamin Sachwald

Senior Vice President, Acoustics, Noise and Vibration

Daniel Abatemarco

Senior Vice President, Acoustics, Noise and Vibration

Christian Thompson

Vice President, Acoustics, Noise and Vibration

See All Leadership

Our Services

Architectural acoustics, noise, and vibration design
Acoustical rendering and auralization
Environmental, construction, and mechanical noise studies and mitigation
CEQR, SEQRA, and NEPA noise analysis
Structural vibration monitoring and analysis
Code compliance and regulatory support
E-Designations, FGI, WELL, LEED, and HUD compliance

The laws of physics don’t change from state to state.

From New York City, Philadelphia, Nashville, and Miami to New Orleans, Houston, Salt Lake City, and Los Angeles, we have provided acoustical services from coast to coast and many places in-between.

“Wynwood’s first hotel, the Arlo, opens in Miami”