AKRF works extensively with public and private entities to advance and approve power transmission projects.

Our work focuses on infrastructure design, permitting, and regulatory compliance, and we have recently worked on multiple projects serving the clean and renewable energy sector.

We have supported land acquisition for an onshore substation as part of the Empire Wind offshore wind project and supported preparation of a transmission line’s Environmental Management and Construction Plan for the onshore Canisteo Wind Farm.

Talk to AKRF

Robert Caravella, PE

Senior Vice President, Engineering and Construction Services

Elizabeth Weatherby

Vice President, Permitting and Compliance

Kevin Maher, AICP

Senior Vice President, Permitting and Compliance

See All Leadership

Recent Milestones

Con Edison completed one of three Reliable Clean City projects in 2024 helping to enable the retirement of fossil fuel power plants in New York City, and the New York State Public Service Commission approved the Clean Path NY power transmission project in 2022.


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