The first phase of the Second Avenue Subway opened in 2017 as New York City’s largest expansion of the subway system in 50 years.

AKRF led preparation of the fast-track NEPA Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation; prepared New Starts funding documentation; and prepared the Section 106 evaluation of historic and archaeological resources. We also prepared the Essential Fish Habitat evaluation for the East River related to possible barging operations and evaluated potential environmental justice impacts in accordance with Executive Order 12898.

The first phase upgraded the existing 63rd Street station and constructed three new subway stations at 72nd Street, 86th Street, and 96th Street.

AKRF is now providing environmental review and support for Phase 2, which will extend subway service from 96th Street to 125th Street in East Harlem. Ultimately, when the full subway project is complete, there will be 16 stations serving Manhattan’s East Side from Harlem to Hanover Square.

Industry Honors

2018 ACEC Grand Award

2018 ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2017 ENR New York Best Project, Transportation