Dining Out NYC reimagines the use of public space on New York City streets for outdoor dining.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams signed legislation in 2023 to create Dining Out NYC – the largest permanent outdoor dining program in the United States. Its preceding temporary program named Open Restaurants was started in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

AKRF led preparation of the CEQR Environmental Assessment Statement for the zoning text amendment to remove geographic restrictions on where sidewalk cafes can be located within New York City and establish a permanent sidewalk and roadway café program.

The New York City Department of Transportation issued a Negative Declaration as Lead Agency under CEQR in 2021. AKRF has also been preparing CEQR Technical Memoranda assessing refinements to the program made as part City Council legislation and as part of NYCDOT’s rulemaking process.

“Outdoor dining enriches our communities, and we’re excited to make it a permanent feature of New York City streets. ”

Ydanis Rodriguez
NYCDOT Commissioner, 2024