AKRF is leading civil and geotechnical engineering for all phases of the Astoria Park and Charybdis Playground project.

As one of five regional parks in the NYC Anchor Parks program, Astoria Park in Queens received $30 million in funding from the City of New York for major capital improvements. We have also provided environmental site assessment/remediation services for the project. Nancy Owens Studio is leading the design for NYC Parks.

Industry Honors

2024 ASLA-NY Design Award

2022 New York Landmarks Conservancy Lucy G. Moses Award

Project Information

“Having access to first-class parks and recreational facilities is important to the families of Queens. I am glad to see the ongoing major upgrade to our borough’s park system.”

Donovan Richards
Queens Borough President, 2021
Justin Seeney attends the 2020 ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Capital improvements are being implemented in three phases

Phase 1 includes the 12-acre reconstruction of the park’s track and field facilities and surrounding site improvements, such as new seating areas, an adult fitness area, pathway realignments, bleachers, and planting; Phase 2 covers improvements to Charybdis Playground; and Phase 3 comprises reconstruction of the existing pathways, lighting, and drainage surrounding the Great Lawn.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the improved Astoria Park was held in January 2020, and the upgraded Charybdis Playground opened to the public in September 2021. AKRF is currently designing elements of Phase 3.